Method Comparison & Coupling: Medical Care in Stroke Cases

  1. Analysis of status quo of care in stroke patients in Austria.

  2. Development and deployment of methods in decission support.

  3. Elaboration of approaches with pseudonymized routine data in general.

  4. Development of a model for prognosis and assessment of stroke cases and structural care facilities with a time horizon of 15 to 20 years.


Investigations are based on pseudonymised data from routine treatment of stroke patients. In a first step the status quo of care in stroke patients is being evaluated with statistical methods and characterisations. Alongside a classification of severity and indications for the likelihood of treatment in specialised Stroke-Units (e.g. spatial proximity) and for quality of care and treatment in strokes are necessary for further investigations.

Based thereon "typical" pathways of patients shall be characterised. The applied methods range from elaborate statistical approaches to network analysis and machine learining. Simulation of scenarios with altered demographic and epidemiological conditions can rely on previous work on population models.

Contact: Florian Röthlin, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH