medical care in nursing homes

At the beginning the data situation had to be clarified. The term “medical care” and the necessary data was defined.

The resulting data set contains people with a national insurance number who live in care homes and are 65+ years old on the qualifying date of the 31st December 2016. From this people personal data from the attendance allowance database and medical service and insurance data was taken. The observation period was 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2016.

With this data the following research questions were answered:

  • mean duration of the stay in the care homes,
  • regional distribution of people and care homes,
  • number and reasons of ambulance services,
  • number and categorization of auxiliary means,
  • number of home visits and
  • number and categorization of physical/ergotherapeutic services.

A detailed report can be found on the homepage of the main association of the social insurance carriers (in german):