Method Comparison: ATHIS_Jemals, ATHIS_Behandlung, ATC_ICD, ExpertInnen
Click through and observe how the results of the methods as applied to various age groups differ. Be aware of the variable scale when clicking further. Below are the results of the comparison methods divided into 10-year age groups starting at the age of 15.
Observe that the results of ATC-ICD and ATHIS_Behandlung come closer to each other with increasing age. Diabetes is more common in older age groups, and therefore the probability to obtain diabetes cases within these samples is higher. In the 75-84-year-old the sample size in ATHIS is again very small, causing ATHIS-Ever to stand out particularly in this age group because of the large variance.
Also of interest is, that prevalences for older age groups (up to 85) estimated by the method ExpertInnen are very close to the results of ATHIS_Behandlung, but the value for the group above 85 years of age exceeds the results of all the other methods.
Comparison 4 - Comparison of methods based on the results broken down by provinces can be seen here: provinces